The Medical Technology Institute’s tender incorporates all services concerned with setting up the medical equipment, upkeep and maintenance, as well as technical support and assistance in the recall process subsequent to the finished desired usage of the product.
Detailed scope of the tender includes:
- Assembly of medical equipment and other equipment crucial to correct functioning of the apparatus
- Electro-medical apparatus measurement
- Under warranty/expired warranty repairs
- Medical equipment maintenance and preservation
- Periodical equipment inspections
- Cooling apparatus validation
- Technological predication, certificates, and appraisal
- Equipment disband and destruction procedures
- Operations training for the personnel
- Production of medical furniture using PORSA system
The Medical Technology Institute is able to fix and maintain various types of medical equipment, mainly:
- Surgical
- Diagnostic
- Optical
- Physiotherapeutic
- Rehabilitative
- Reanimation/Resuscitation equipment
- Dentistry equipment
- Anesthesiology, lab equipment